Good afternoon. Just to reassure those wondering, out-of-district students who are currently enrolled and their preschool siblings are exempt from the regional moratorium on transfers. Thanks, Darrick Cope
Reminder, Mandatory Registration Tues., Aug. 18 & Wed., Aug. 19, 7am-3pm. Helix will conduct Orientation on Mon., Aug. 31-Wed. - Sept. 2. Orientation will give parents and students a chance to meet with their teachers. More info will be give out at registration. Thanks, Darrick Cope
If your last name begins with A-L
Tuesday, August 18 from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm
If your last name begins with M-Z
Wednesday, August 19 from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm
Contact the district office, if you are not able to make it on the these dates/times to register. We will do our best to work with your schedule and set up an appointment.
Please remember to bring your updated vaccination records. Face coverings are required by the state. If you are not wearing a face covering, we will assume you have a medical condition and can’t wear one. Thanks, DC
Good evening. The mandatory registration scheduled for Aug 11th and 12th has been rescheduled for Tues., Aug 18 and Wed., Aug 19. This change was initiated due to the final ODE, OHA and Gov Brown school update which will occur on Aug 11th. That will give the District time to implement any changes prior to registration. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks, Darrick Cope
It is with a heavy heart and a high level of frustration that I send this message. In a press conference today, Gov Brown and OHA reported on a COVID health metrics they have been using to assist them in determining whether or not schools can resume in-person instruction for the start of the 2020 school year. At this time, most schools in Oregon will not be allowed in-person instruction to start the school year. All school districts will be required to offer only Comprehensive Distance Learning instruction. Hopefully, as the health metrics change in Umatilla County and the cases per 100,000 decrease, the Helix School District will be allowed to return to in-person instruction. Thanks, Darrick Cope
Employment opening in the Helix School District
Good evening. Just so everyone is aware, the plan is to have onsite classes in the Helix SD starting Monday, August 31, Monday-Friday, 8:23am-3:19pm. I am preparing an Operational Blueprint for Reentry that makes a few adjustments and provides for the required social distancing guidelines. More info will be provided as the plan develops. Contact me with questions or concerns. Thanks, Darrick Cope, Superintendent
Don't forget that Thursday, Sept. 5th is Grandparent lunch in the Helix School District. All grandparents are invited to have a FREE lunch with their grandchildren and visit their classrooms afterward. Students K-4th grade go to lunch at 11:05am, 5th-8th grade at 12:00pm and HS at 12:08pm. Hope to see you there!
A huge thanks to Dr. Derek Earl and his staff who gave free physicals to 20 Helix students during registration on Tuesday, Aug. 13th. Dr, Earl has also donated countless hours as the Helix School District's official concussion specialist.
Employment openings in the Helix School District: Coaching -HS Boys Basketball, MS Boys Basketball, Hs Tennis
Don’t forget the mandatory registration on Tuesday, August 13th from 7:00AM to 6:00PM and Wednesday, August 14th from 8:00AM to 12:00PM. Also, Dr. Earl will be offering free sports physicals from 9-11am on Tuesday, Aug. 13th. Call the Helix office 457-2175 if you have questions.
Congratulations to 1962 Griswold High School graduate Ret. General Raymond (Fred) Rees for being selected as the Grand Marshal for the 2019 Pendleton Bike Week.
Good times at the Helix Elementary School Wheel-a-Thon.
Box Tops Collection
Junior Class BBQ Hamburger Feed at 5:00-6:30pm, tonight. Feed the family before you go to the Spring Concert at 7:00pm.
Friday, May 3rd is an early dismissal, 12:23PM.
The Class of 2020 will be hosting a BBQ Hamburger fundraiser in the Helix School cafeteria on Tuesday, May 7th, from 5:00 – 6:30 PM. This event will be in conjunction with the Spring Concert.
Helix Easter Egg Hunt, Sat., April 20th
Just a reminder, there will be an 8th grade parent meeting at 5:30pm and a Junior parent meeting at 6:00pm tonight in Mrs. Deruwe's classroom. Call the office at (541) 457-2175 to RSVP or if you have questions. Pizza, cookies and a beverage will be served.
The Class of 2021 will be hosting a Baked Potato feed in the Helix School cafeteria on Thursday, April 4th, 4:30 to 7:00 PM. This event will be in conjunction with the Parent Teacher Conferences.
Friday, March 22nd is an early dismissal at 12:23 PM. Spring break will be March 25th – 29th. Parent teacher conferences are Thursday, April 4th and Friday, April 5th. Sophomores will have a Baked Potato Feed on Thursday, April 4th.