This OSAA update provides information regarding clarifications received from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) regarding mask mandates, along with host school policies, and the Governor’s vaccination mandate. Note that this information may change based upon changes to national or state directives.
The following are the latest OHA clarifications pursuant to (OAR 333-019-1025). The Governor’s new statewide outdoor mask mandate is effective August 27, 2021, and requires masks for all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, in outdoor settings in which individuals from different households are unable to consistently maintain physical distance.
Indoor or Outdoor
- Students are not required to wear a mask indoors or outdoors when practicing or playing a competitive sport at any level, including cheerleading and dance/drill. Students not actively participating (i.e., on the sideline during an indoor or outdoor competition, etc.) are required to wear a mask. Students are required to wear a mask when in the weight room.
- Coaches and support staff, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear a mask during indoor practices and competitions. This includes weight training regardless of location.
- Spectators (5 years or older) are required to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status, at indoor practices and competitions.
- Students are not required to wear a mask indoors when playing an instrument that requires the mouth. Choir students are required to wear a mask during indoor practices but are exempt from this requirement for performances.
- Coaches and support staff, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear a mask during outdoor practices and competitions when 6’ of physical distance cannot be maintained.
- Spectators (5 years or older) are required to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status, at outdoor practices and competitions when 6’ of physical distance cannot be maintained.
At this time, capacity limits are not mandated for indoor or outdoor events but increased physical distancing and ventilation can help limit the possibility of spread, especially when case counts are high in the community.
As stated previously, the OHA rule does not prohibit a school or school district from applying a more restrictive requirement. That would be a local school decision. Schools are encouraged to consult with their legal counsel and/or PACE with any questions regarding liability.
Communication when Hosting Events and Adhering to Host School Policies
As stated throughout the pandemic, communication with your own school community and opponents regarding any additional mitigation policies for face coverings, contact tracing, physical distancing, capacity limits, etc. that your school or county has in place will be more important than ever.
It is understood that if a local government's laws are more restrictive than statewide laws, then schools must adhere to whichever law is more restrictive. Hosting OSAA member schools must communicate with their opponent about any more restrictive measures in place locally prior to the opponent traveling to the host site. Note that a school, county, or facility may institute more restrictive requirements and a visiting school and its supporters must adhere to the more restrictive measures in place from their hosting opponent.
Governor’s Vaccination Mandate On Monday, August 19 the Governor revised existing vaccination measures to include the directive that all teachers, educators, support staff, and volunteers in K-12 schools will be required to be fully vaccinated by October 18 or six weeks after full FDA approval, whichever is later. We expect to see the official language for the vaccination rule this week.
Considering that the Governor’s vaccination mandate will require individuals to be fully vaccinated it becomes critical that those individuals (teachers, educators, support staff, and volunteers in K-12 schools) currently unvaccinated, that are planning to participate fully within any interscholastic program review the timeline needed to meet established vaccination deadlines. The OSAA will continue to advocate and seek further clarification on these rules and the OHA’s interpretations. We will communicate any additional changes to schools as they become known.